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Rules for the Blue Otter Classic

Tournament Rules

  1. Tournament Director’s decisions are final.
  2. Tournament will follow ASA Rules
  3. Players can only play with one team per tournament day. Team jumping is not allowed.
  4. It is the responsibility of team to be ready to play at game time. Teams need to double check the bracket after games for possible schedule changes.
  5. Teams need to be ready 15 minutes before game time. Game time is forfeit time. Umpires will have the right to start games up to 15 minutes early to keep from falling behind schedule.
  6. Games are 60 minutes long or 7 innings, whichever comes first. No new inning after 55 minutes.
  7. Home team will be determined by a coin flip.
  8. Run Rules: A max of 7 runs per inning and 15 Runs after 4th and 10 Runs after 5th,  7th Inning or “Last Called Inning” will be Unlimited Runs
  9. Ties: Elimination games after time expires or 7 innings teams will go into International Tie Breaker. The last batted out will start the inning on second base. This will continue until there is a winner.
  10. All batters begin with a 1 ball and 1 strike count. Men’s and Coed divisions. No Extra Foul
  11. Strike zone will consist of a mat and home plate. Pitching arc is 6 to 12 feet.
  12. Home Runs – 4 per team. Inning ending at 4 homeruns
  13. Men’s division gets one courtesy runner per inning, can be anyone. Coed Division gets one courtesy runner per gender per inning, can be anyone.
  14. Teams can start with 8 plays and may bat up to 12. Coed teams may play a 6-4 defense.
  15. No steel cleats.
  16. Bats, must have current ASA stamp
  17. The tournament will be double elimination. Each team is guaranteed 3- games. There will not be an “if” game due to time constraints.
  18. There will be no alcohol served as the tournament will take place on school grounds.
  19. Brackets will be randomly assigned.



Bracket Structures – Scroll for all 4